Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Reading, watching, listening...

I've just finished reading Tim Butcher's Blood River which records his journeys through the Congo overland and by boat on the Congo River, following the river as it meanders through the country in the footsteps of the explorer Stanley. It was an eye-opener with some interesting insights into the Congo and Africa in general with regard to development and the failures the continent has encountered. Although I enjoyed his writing, Butcher's attitude at times irritated me and whilst I understand his expedition was tough, sometimes his negative outlook was too frustrating.

As Christmas has just been, along with it comes a number of movies! The family settled down to watch Wolverine the other evening. Such an incredible movie about the character of Wolverine pre-XMen. I really enjoy it from start to finish! Laura and I just watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, another favourite! The movies, though great, will never quite capture the magic of the books for me. I enjoy my own imaginations of Hogwarts and co.

The new Snow Patrol CD has been featuring in my life ever since I bought it as a gift for someone! Mumford and Sons always enchant me. Bon Iver's been a resident since we had the snowy icy weather. As Tall As Lions will always be entertaining me, especially since seeing them live. Acrobat is a continuing favourite song by the

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Another year over...

Well I've just celebrated a lovely Christmas with my wonderful family. I received some beautiful gifts, each one hand chosen for me and that was obvious. I'm a very blessed girl.
The end of the noughties is upon us... what a decade it has been!
Thinking back to where I was at the turn of 2000, just beginning my time at secondary school. For me, this decade will be a time of Lord of the Rings; Harry Potter; The Beatles; an obsession with the 1960s; a longing to travel by VW campervan around NZ; some lovely family holidays in Scotland and France; exams, exams, exams; realising who my friends are; becoming my own person; taking a gap year and learning more about God; beginning to get the travelling bug, facing my fear of flying to get to Uganda then America; starting my new life in Edinburgh at university; witnessing the start of the 'war on terror'; obsessing over Jane Austen; some very bad fashion faux pas that will hopefully never emerge on facebook; school uniforms; my first trip to London's West End to see Billy Elliot, later to see Hairspray; growing up...
Here's to the next ten years and may they be full of many happy memories also!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Summer Sun

Wandering to the south of England with fantastic friends and splendid sister.

Lyme Regis - a place full of beautiful things; pebbles; imported sand; a cob where many a foot has trod; scrummy scrummy food; home made bread; paddling; beach huts; hills; dinosaurs...
Exeter - home of a cathedral; many a charity shop; a beautiful Quay; lemon curd flavour ice cream; a place to make home-made diaries; to bake cookies; to watch a lot of Wimbledon...

London - wandering around Covent Garden picking up a new hat and some 'fro-yo'; sweltering heat; watching Michael Ball parade around in 'Hairspray'; Trafalgar Square (eventually); Picadilly Circus (accidentally); the tube; Platform 9 3/4...

I just read the beautiful 'Purple Hibiscus' by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It's set in Nigeria and narrated by the young Kambili as she experiences such a difference between the rich and poor of Nigeria; and the Catholicism of her father and the indigenous religion of her grandfather. It was written so richly, I loved every second of it.

Just started 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe, an inspiration for Adichie and many other African authors.

Listening to
As Tall As Lions - Maybe I'm Just Tired

Sunday, 14 June 2009

King of Kings

This evening at church in a cosy cafe style service I was reminded just how great my God is. It's something I know, but something I also need reminding of. I'd been spending too long 'faffing' and thinking about stuff and just forgetting to come into his p r e s e n c e.
I sat and scribbled in my journal some feelings that I wanted to share; not particularly eloquent or elegant... but just as they came to me, here they are:

Just to come into the presence of my King of Kings, Majesty.
To worship Him.
To remember He's the Great I AM;
that I don't deserve to come into his presence but He embraces me;
that He loves me and welcomes me;
that He uses me;
that He welcomes me;
He wants me;
He remembers me;
He cares about me, that He is my father.
I don't deserve any of this but my gosh do I get it.
I receive gifts beyond my imagination; gifts I don't know what to do with yet;
love that I cannot begin to understand;
grace that I definitely don't deserve;
and mercy, mercy that I couldn't dream of.
My God reigns. He REIGNS!
In my heart, in this world.
God is King...and He is mine.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Song For A Summer's Day

Through fen and farmland walking
With my own country love
I saw slow flocked cows move
White hulks on their day's cruising;
Sweet grass sprang for their grazing.

The air was bright for looking:
Most far in blue, aloft,
Clouds steered a burnished drift;
Larks' nip and tuck arising
Came in for my love's praising.

Sheen of the noon sun striking
Took my heart as if
It were a green tipped leaf
Kindled by my love's pleasing
Into an ardent blazing.

And so, together talking,
Through Sunday's honey-air
We walked (and still walk there -
Out of the sun's bruising)
Till the nights mists came rising

Sylvia Plath, 1956

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

O Edinburgh...

Picnic-ing in the meadows...multiple times
Cups of tea in the elephant house overlooking the castle
Hot chocolate as a post-exam treat
Finding a new hide-away perfect for writing letters or reading a book with stunning views
Feeling young again...watching Bambi at the Film House
Loving the costumes in 'Cheri'; loving the company more
Wearing sunglasses and sandals
Visiting Glasgow and meeting with old friends... eating too much ice cream and buying a new dress
Discovering new hidden corners of this magical city
Clambering up Arthur's Seat for beautiful views
Packing away my first year into boxes
Choosing my courses for the second year
Enjoying the sunshine
Making daisy chains
Winning at rounders
Watching some improvised comedy ... serious cheek ache after that!
Looking forward to what promises to be a fabulous summer
Chatting on the phone to fabulous friends
Watching rubbish telly with a white wine spritzer...
This is my Edinburgh.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

A Tale of Two Cities

Tomorrow I head back to Edinburgh for my final semester of first year which is primarily full of exams. Once that small inconvenience is out of the way I intend to fall in love with Edinburgh all over again!
The photos show Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre, one of my favourite places in Manchester. Admittedly, I've only seen one play there but I go in every time I'm in town. It's a beautiful building with the theatre in the centre, a class theatre in the round. Utterly fabulous. And the other is of Edinburgh from Calton Hill. Beautiful. Photo below was taken by my sister when she came to visit - me stood on Calton Hill...

Friday, 17 April 2009

Spring Has Sprung

...well technically spring sprung a while ago now. But I was in the garden and decided to pick a few flowers (between you and me they're on the way out already, but I thought I'd let them spend their last days inside with me!) I do love wild flowers and the such, not into the big fancy bouquets!
It's a sunny day today, I'm enjoying April this year...despite spending most of it inside, or so it feels.
Just a thought... when does this become weird? Twitter, facebook, google street view... it's all a bit crazy! Not that I mind, I had fun street viewing New York today looking forward to hopefully going there while I'm in America this summer.
I feel quite summery now, listening to High School Musical soundtrack and having just listened to Stevie Wonder's 'Sir Duke' - always to be played at full volume!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Revision. I know, the dreaded word :( But that seems to be how I've spent most of this holiday unfortunately. Cracking on with it fine though, almost enjoying it at times but don't tell anyone else.
Managed to find time for some fun though I must say... this has mostly involved going to church, drinking a lot of tea, drinking yummy lattes, chocolate, family time, a trip to Lyme Park with four of the most fabulous people ever :)
The photo is the beautiful Lyme Park which was used as Pemberley Hall (the home of the wonderful Mr Darcy) in the BBC 'Pride and Prejudice'.
Anyhoo, this was just a brief one before I go and watch a bit of Desperate Housewives with the wonderful ladies of Wisteria Lane. I do love them, though I don't envy their lives at all... except maybe Bree's baking skills! Missing the baking, will have to make myself a lemon drizzle cake or a scone or two soon! Yum yum yum... (See also the fabulous 5...)