So, the mummy turned 50 in July so to celebrate we had a delicious birthday tea. The sis and I made some brown paper bunting, which turned out pretty spiffing if I do say so myself. I tackled my first ever cheesecake and it was delicious; my sis took the photo. The table was groaning under salads, home made roast tomato and basil quiche and asparagus tart from me; cheese scones and carrot cake from the sis; some M&S yummy goods and plenty of other home baked treats. It was a great evening with the family (and Pimms) and my favourite mummmy was spoilt rotten, just like she deserved.
But the birthday wasn't over! We (the gran, the sis, the brother) took her on a surprise day trip to London and a go on the London Eye. We were up bright and early and caught the speedy Virgin train down to the capital, we had a picnic of left overs from the tea and then went for a spin on the Eye. I wasn't hugely keen on the whole affair, too high for me, but there were some great views. We walked our feet off to see all the sights - Downing Street, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Covent Garden... then we trooped back onto the train and promptly fell into our beds! Great fun!