Thursday 24 June 2010


Meet Moss. This is the family dog for all his 15 years. He's a border terrier and is absolutely gorgeous, if you ask me!
Unfortunately, Moss is getting on a bit and isn't very well. This upsets me greatly and many tears have been cried recently.
But Moss has been a faithful and fabulous companion for 15 years of my life. Both me and my family have been through a lot in those 15 years and Moss has always been there. I can remember going to choose him from the Border Terrier Farm (OK, I can't remember what it was called...but I was only 6 at the time!) I remember sitting and cuddling all these tiny black dogs, no bigger than a guinea pig (in my memory, at least!). Then there was the impatient wait until he was old enough to come home with us! I remember playing with him at the old house in the kitchen. I have memories of his first ventures into the back garden. I remember when we used to have chickens and how Moss found them a bit of a mystery when they first started roaming around HIS garden. I remember defending him at primary school when one of the boys was mean about him. I remember the phase he went through when he yapped and barked and jumped up at anyone who came to visit. I can hear him skidding across the gravel at the old house trying to chase the squirrels up the oak tree. I remember how he used to pull on his lead. I remember telling him all my secrets and crying into his collar a good few times. I remember all the happy and joyful family times that he has been a part of. I remember all of this and I will keep remembering and keep loving him all the time he's still with us and beyond. Love you Moss!

1 comment:

Amanda Makes said...

Emma!!! It's you!!! Hello chicken. I love LOVE your blog! It's so fresh and you. I didn't realise it was you when you left me the utube link. What an amazing little piece of art that is! I was feeling it on two a knitter feels watching their hard work and beautiful creation unravel and then my hands flew to my mouth thinking how must it be for God watching what we're doing! Thank you Emma. I think I'll post that one actually. How's Mr Darcy Monkey coming on? Does he have a Missus yet? Lots of love, Amanda xxx